Sunday, September 5, 2010


Just read a good one in INC magazine: conflict is a lot like water: it
spills over, flows downhill; and if left unchecked, it erodes whatever
it touches.
And sometimes it is like red wine, it stains.
How do you handle conflict in your company? When the first signs
arise, it is one of those "conversations that must be had!"
Good luck.
Dirk De Vuyst
Dir. 678 501 6003

Friday, September 3, 2010

Housing starts to a historic low

We already knew what the news media reported a few days ago: housing is not on the way to recovery yet. And it will not be unless the unemployment pictures improves drastically for a sustained period. A simple dip in the statistics will not cure the construction industry's woes.

At Intl. Marble Industries, Inc, we have looked far outside our sand box marketing our engineered composites to non-builder markets. Our MasterCast products find their way more to remodelers than ever before. Our overseas customers love the "Made in the USA" cast stone tubs and shower bases. Amazing how in different parts of the world, cultured marble and Mastercast Engineered Composites are called by different names, yet achieve the same result: seamless, integral construction, sealed for life.

Visit our updated website at and admire our collection of products.